Real Estate Magnetize Offshore Outsourcing

Outsourcing is the buzz word in today’s time. Companies are coming a big way in outsourcing but the point to be noted here is to choose the right place for that. There are few factors which influence the decisions of the companies. Firstly they look for the labor condition in that area. Every company wants cheap but efficient labour.India has become a favorite destination for the MNC’s mainly because we offer them cheap and very efficient labour.Then these business giants look for the skilled professional. But the underlying factor is the real estate. This is becoming the biggest concern for the outsourcing companies as they have to build their offices for which they need reasonably priced real estate. Earlier Delhi topped the chart but now these biggies are expanding their reach to other parts of India. The list has the names like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Gurgaon and real estate outsourcing the new entries are Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula and Baddi in north India. The real estate in these is shooting up and if we look the property trend for the past 1 year then we will find that real estate value has shown huge increase. Real estate is a big influencer for any company to do outsourcing. Real estate is evaluated in terms of structure and availability. As off shoring grow to higher back office functions so cost becomes the most important factor in deciding for the location.

Factors influencing the decision of offshore locations are based on three scenarios:

o Price driven

o Quality driven

o Market trends

The city which tops the list globally in terms of price is India and Philippines in Asia, central and Eastern Europe, Central part of America. In terms of quality the city which tops the chart in India is Delhi and next is Bangalore. Study says that the major driving force for BPO’s is the easy access to plentiful and qualified workforce as they deal in technical areas. Now the shift is towards North India especially Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula.Market trends also influence the off shoring decisions. It’s been found as a very big offshore driver. Investment in a foreign real estate for off shoring is cheaper. So off shoring in foreign land are becoming so common and its going very fast too. Real Estate business has a great future as it seems.